Shas-A-Thon - The Entire Shas in One Day Under One Roof

Meir Simcha Pruim
Naftoli Trepp
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Dear Family and Friends,


A TIME is an organisation established in the USA by Rabbi Shaul Rosen 25 years ago, to provide a wide range of assistance and support services to couples going through the challenges of infertility. Boruch Hashem, its work has been blessed with great success and have literally “given life” to hundreds of childless couples.

10 years ago, a branch of A TIME was opened in London, to provide the same important services here in England, and Boruch Hashem, here too we have been able to provide tremendous help to numerous families. 


A TIME will be holding a much anticipated, and well publicized, “first-of-its-kind in the UK” event.


On Sunday 19th Elul 5774, 14th September 2014  you will find 274 people sitting under the same roof, the room reverberating with the sounds of Torah study.

274 lomdim will learn in unison to complete the entire Shas in just one day, in honour of the A TIME Yom HaShas. I look forward to participating in this moving experience and the merits accrued will certainly intercede on behalf of hundreds of childless couples.


I have undertaken to learn éá -.á îöéòà ááà in honour of the Siyum.


You, too, can join this uplifting experience. By sponsoring a daf, your name will be linked to the powerful surge of kedusha generated by our day-long learning session. The merit of our combined Siyum will certainly protect and bless those who support its completion.


Please join me by sponsoring generously through the link below.


Your name will be linked to this powerful Siyum Hashas, as well as the zechusim generated by our day-long learning with all the resultant brochos.


I personally thank you for your involvement in this inaugural endeavour. More than that, I forward the unspoken thanks of those couples who are surrounded by too-clean walls and too-quiet rooms every minute of their lives. The hope and dreams your support will enable is more potent than one can fathom.


My Fundraising Goal


Money Raised to Date

DONATE Towards my Goal
p4i An Am fidelity uk


ATIME Shas-A-Thon   • London UK


Tel: 020 7993 4527   •    Fax: 020 8211 1773       Email:


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