Shas-A-Thon - The Entire Shas in One Day Under One Roof

Eli Shmuel Sufrin
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Dear Family and Friends,


First of all Welcome & Thank you very much for visiting my page!


Sunday Morning 19th Elul 5774, 14 September 2014 I will IY"H set out to learn Perek àìå îöéàåú amongst 274 other Lomdim who will be completing shas Together in honor of the A TIME.


You who will have sponsored a part of my learning and thereby been the driving force behind me will share in the great Zechus.


Sunday Evening 19th Elul 5774 we will IY"H finish Shas together all because of YOU our loyal sponsors.


Sunday Evening 19th Elul 5774, A Time will be able to provide many couples with the immense power of Limud KOL Hashas Borabim, to help them receive their awaited Yeshua, and they will have a Few Hundred Thousand Pounds to help them materially all from  YOUR donations.

Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity as you approach Chodesh Tishrei 5775.

I personally thank you for your involvement in this great inaugural Torah endeavour. More than that, I forward to you the heartfelt thanks of A TIME.

Thank You once again,

Eli Shmuel Sufrin


P.S. If you have a problem donating on this page please email me on with the subject Shas Donate for alternative options.

Tizku Lemitzvos


My Fundraising Goal


Money Raised to Date

DONATE Towards my Goal
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ATIME Shas-A-Thon   • London UK


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